Buddhism: How To's

how to
How to Make a Buddhist Mandala

how to
How to Meditate to relax with Tara Stiles

how to
How to How to use a mala (Buddhist or Hindu rosary)

Watch this instructional video in basic Buddhist Vipassana (Insight) Meditation. In this how-to video, there is an instruction on how to incorporate the meditation practice into one's daily life. Learn all about Buddhism & meditation.

Watch this instructional video in basic Buddhist Vipassana (Insight) Meditation. In this how-to video there is an explanation of the four foundations of mindfulness and a guided walking meditation based on creating a clear thought centred on the present reality. Learn all about how to practice walking meditation.

This instructional video demonstrates basic Buddhist Vipassana (Insight) Meditation.

Watch this Buddhism instructional video to learn about wrist malas. This how-to video was made to assist meditators in using a wrist mala.

Adyashanti invites you to slide over into the passenger's seat and stop trying to steer life in the direction of imagined happiness. This profound and transformative satsang makes the alternatives starkly clear: suffer, or surrender and fully enjoy life's incredible journey.

Watch this how to video to learn Tibetan sound healing techniques. Use these five guided practices for clearing obstacles, accessing positive qualities, and uncovering your inner wisdom.

Want to change the world? See the Buddhist reflections on social, political and environmental action leading towards the creation of a better world, dedicated to Goerge W. Bush and Osama Bin Laden, from the Buddhist Society of Western Australia.

Dogensangha describes in this video how one may experience the universe in body and mind through apparent non-action.

Metta bhavana, or loving-kindness meditation, is one of the two simplest meditations in Buddhism. It helps develop positive feelings towards all other living creatures.